Application of Matrices

Following on from the last couple of posts on the subject, today we’re going to look at the application matrix operations and how they help us in the real world. Below I have constructed the diagram of a network which we can imagine has something flowing through it (like a railway system or water system etc.) and an “ideal system” has input nodes, branches, paths or “arcs” and output nodes. In our diagram we have and input nodes; and ,...Read more
Testing Out an Ultrasonic  Sensor (The Posh Way)

Testing Out an Ultrasonic Sensor (The Posh Way)

This week we’ve got a lesson where we’ve got to test out an ultrasonic sensor using an Arduino Uno board. We’re going to be doing something similar in our lesson to what we did in the post “Tuning The Distance of an IR Sensor Using Arduino” that I wrote last week in class; only this time (because I’m not in class and I can think straight) I want to integrate the sensor with a thermostat using a thermistor (because the...Read more

Matrix Operations

Provided two matrices are the same size we are able to add them together and their sum can be defined as . When adding two vectors together, the numbers in the same position will be added together i.e. and so on. A matrix can also be multiplied by a scalar. So if then . \\ If you already have no idea about what I’m talking about then read Introduction to Matrices first ? Worked examples: Given matrices a) . \\...Read more

Tuning The Distance of an IR Sensor Using Arduino 🧶

This post is going to explore the process of connecting a sensor up to an Arduino circuit, to analyse the data and then come up with a way of calibrating the sensor for a specific task. When using sensors, we need to work out what the sensor values actually mean. In this instance we’re being given numbers (off the sensor) like 570 for a distance of 4cm or 525 at a distance of 26cm. We need to find how to...Read more

Introduction to Matrices 🧮

A matrix is a grid of numbers or mathematical expressions that we use to store vast quantities of data in such a way that allows us to easily identify and manipulate each piece of information in the matrix. Engineering, science and computing all use matrices in a huge number of applications i.e. data analysis, search engines or game theory. The size of the matrices is observed by the number of rows and columns and can be described as an “”...Read more

Introduction to Vectors ⬇️

Quantities that completely describe their magnitude are called scalars. Some examples of scalars include: area, length, speed or temperature. Quantities that need both a physical size, and a direction associated with it to be completely described are called vectors. Some examples of vectors include: force, velocity, displacement and acceleration. This line has been represented as a vector. The arrow on the line indicates the direction and the length of the line its magnitude. The vector directed from to . Which...Read more

Optimise AI for Cost and/or Quality

Now we know how informed search works we can begin to look at how we can use it in different ways to satisfy the various criteria inherent in each of the problems that we face. For instance, in a modelling problem where we are trying to optimise the model based on the inputs and outputs, we are looking for the shortest route through something. If this is the case then the best method to use would be a method called...Read more

Informing Our AI Search Algorithms

So far on this blog, we’ve spoken about and established what AI is and outlined a simple AI framework that we can develop further in the article titled “What is AI?” and we’ve also spoken about a specific type of problem that we could face in the real world which was an optimisation problem; we spoke about the kinds of search we can do based on both the type of search problem that we’re dealing with and the information that...Read more

Depth vs Breadth First Search

If you would like to consider the basic AI framework in more detail before learning how we alter it to achieve different results based on the various criteria inherent in the problem we’re dealing with then it would be a good idea to read the post titled “Exploring the Basic AI Framework in More Detail” before reading this post. A good way to understand how a computer solves a problem is to simply consider how a human would solve it....Read more

Exploring the Basic AI Framework in More Detail 🧐

In the first post on this blog in the AI category we briefly looked at a basic AI framework that we adapt in various situations to help us achieve all sorts of different types of solutions to our problems depending on what type of problem we have, what our goal is and the information we have to hand when we begin planning out our software. In this post we’re going to take that same framework and disect the operations of...Read more