Data Structures and Loops in Python

This post is going to be the first post that I write on the topic of Python and will cover data structures and various implementations. I will be discussing lists, dictionaries, sets and tuples as well as loops and data structures. // These are notes taken from my lectures. Lists The key points of a list are that they are ordered, flexible (don’t need to be initialised with a size) and can contain different data types within the list i.e....Read more
Introduction to Logarithms (Logs)

Introduction to Logarithms (Logs)

Logarithms or logs are another way of expressing indices and is a bit like the inverse of dealing with powers. Logs were used to perform difficult calculations before there were calculators. To understand how logs work we could just look at a simple to understand example: We know that , so if we wanted to know the value of the indices that would make into (how many times multiplied by itself gives us i.e. ) then we could use the...Read more