University Results Day

Those of you who know me know that in 2018 I embarked on an adventure to a) get my A-Levels and then b) a degree that would allow me to work in the field of AI. In 2019 I started the BEng (Hons) at UWE but after the first year, I decided to switch to Computer Science as Robotics didn’t really allow me to specialise in coding (I love coding). Well. Today is the day that my results came out...Read more
Learning a bit of JavaScript

Learning a bit of JavaScript

I’ve been taking a course recently on JavaScript and made a really basic game. You can see the game by visiting this link. I also documented my progress in coding the game: Making a RGB Colour Guessing Game in JavaScript ā€“ Part 1 Making a RGB Colour Guessing Game in JavaScript ā€“ Part 2 Making a RGB Colour Guessing Game in JavaScript ā€“ Part 3 I’m now moving on to the JQuery library and will also be delving into node.js...Read more

Hello world ? (a quick about me)

This is where I’m going to put some of my personal projects and a slightly more personal version of my other, more professional (supposed to be anyway) blog robolog which is essentially an online logbook for most of my activities (that Iā€™m not having to hand in to be marked) at UWE where I study BEng(Hons) in Robotics Engineering and am in my first year. Topics I am studying include practical electronics, robotics, AI, Engineering Mathematics, Computer programming (so far...Read more