Exploring the Basic AI Framework in More Detail 🧐

In the first post on this blog in the AI category we briefly looked at a basic AI framework that we adapt in various situations to help us achieve all sorts of different types of solutions to our problems depending on what type of problem we have, what our goal is and the information we have to hand when we begin planning out our software. In this post we’re going to take that same framework and disect the operations of...Read more

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)? 🤔

For my first post on the subject, using information from lectures at UWE, I’m going to attempt to define the concept and working processeses of AI in general and then outline a simple working framework whose behaviour can be “tweaked” slightly (in each case) to implement any of the other, more advanced AI algorithms that will be discussed further in future posts on this blog. AI is a way of solving problems and as such can be thought of as...Read more